Tel: 03 5986 2000
These are a list of frequently ask questions we receive at the clinic, if these are not helpful in answering your query please don't hesitate to call us anytime at the clinic or via the contact page on this website and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Do I need a referral to make an appointment to see a Podiatrist?No, you do not require a referral to see one of our Podiatrist. Simply call email or book online via this webiste.
Will I receive a Medicare rebate for my apointment?There is no Medicare rebate for standard allied health appointment. However if you have a Medicare funded EPC (Enhanced Primary Care plan) or TCA (Team care arrangment) referral from your doctor $53.80 of your appointment fee will be covered by medicare. Your doctor will determine your elligibilty for the Medicare funded plans. Please see our referrals section or give the clinic a call for further details.
How long will my appointment take?We allow 40mins for an initial consultation and 20min for a standard or follow up appointment.
Can I claim the cost of my visit and / or of orthotics on my private health fund?Yes, if you private health fund has extras which include Podiatry and these cost can be claim on the day at the time of consultation. All health funds vary widely on the cover they provide and whether this includes orthotics, so we can provide you with the appropriate item numbers for you fund if you would like to check up on this first.
Do we supply custom orthotics?Yes, we do make and supply custom orthotics for our patients were appropriate. Our custom orthotics are made by Footwork Orthotic Labratory here in Victoria. We are also able to provide a range of 3D printed semi custom options from Footwork, this give us and the patients flexiblity on choice and a cost effective treatment option where appropriate. We also supply a great range or footlogic and formthotic pre fabricated off the shelf options.

We accept all major health insurance and government management plans.

You do not need a doctors referral to make an appointment at By the Bay Podiatry. Most private health funds cover Podiatric services and orthotics under their ancillary tables.
By the Bay Podiatry accepts Enhanced Primary Care Plans "EPC", Team Care Arrangement or chronic disease management plan which is a set up by your doctor through Medicare. There is a gap payment of $20 for an initial consult and $10 for follow up consults. Consult with your GP to find out whether you would be eligible for this scheme.
For return service men and women or DVA patients whether on a gold or white card need to obtain a doctors referral for their appointments and other services we can provide to be claimed under the Department of Veteran affairs.
We also accept work cover, TAC and NDIS health scheme patients.

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